Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Meet Jelli Bean

  Jelli:  Ha, he said I couldn't do this.  He said I had as much common sense as I have fashion sense, and that I would fail within the first year.  Well, in your face Travis, I'm doing this thing!

  You do realize you signed a non-negotiable contract, one that pertains to the next ten generations.  So your descendants will have to live with your decision long after you are gone...

  Jelli: Pffff.  Whatever.  I'll show Mr. Smarty Pants that I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to. *thinks*  I'm sure my descendants can handle one little challenge.

  Actually, it's more than just one, remember?  It's the Midnight Sun Challenge, combined with the Perfect Genetics Challenge, and a possible I'm Surrounded By Idiots Challenge.  That's three challenges.  Are you crazy?

  Jelli: Yes, actually, I'm quite insane. 

  Oh yeah, that was one of the requirements for the ISBI.  

  Jelli: *nods* Exactly.

  I'm obviously crazy too, how in the world will I be able to deal with all those sims, if I can't move them out?  Oh yeah, that's right, I'm not going to.  They have to fend for themselves.  No school here, so I figure I'll give them 5 pts. (if I even remember to keep track of them!) if they gain a skill, instead of getting on the honor roll.

  Are we ready for this?!

Jelli: Let's do this!  I can totally do...hey!  Where's the house?

  Yeah, about that.  The good news, you have $3000 to build something.  The bad news, you only have $3000 to build something.  Oh, and I suck at building houseboats.  So that's 2 for 1 there...

  Jelli: *wails* 

  *build time*

  Ala Peanut butter sandwiches...

  One square building later

  Jelli: That's it?

  Jelli: There's no paint!

  Ran out of money.  Hey, at least it's enclosed, so you won't set yourself on fire in the sunshine.  I even gave you a toilet, fridge, and a sleeping bag.  You're all set.

Jelli:  You're kidding right?  *gets hysterical*  Right?!

  No time for freaking out!  You still have to catch your dinner!   You better find your fishing pole.

Jelli: Hmmm.  This just might be a little harder than I thought.

 You think?


  Jelli is my founder.  Her traits are: Dislikes Children (required by perfect genetics challenge), insane (required by ISBI challenge), Brooding, Social Butterfly, and Hopeless Romantic.  The last 3 were randomized, according to the rules of the perfect genetics challenge.  I think my game was just being mean, make her a social butterfly, a hopeless romantic, and she's on a deserted island, not allowed to talk to anyone.  At least she can brood about it!  Haha!

  For the perfect genetics, the heir has to have the hair color and eye color of Jelli.  Skin color would be a bonus, but I'm not going to require it, because...this island is small!!  lol

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting over from the beginning...there is a lot to catch upon!
