Last time there were a ton of glitches going on, yet Jelli managed to finally have an heir. Baby #11, Cherry had the same hair color and eye color as her mother.
I had moved them yet again, to an empty Sunset Valley, in a last attempt to save Jelli and family. Unfortunately the problem followed, I'm pretty sure it's still the IFs connected to the kids (as per ErrorTrap scripterror logs). They are TAd (I can't find them anywhere, but the crazy game keeps thinking they are there!), but their Chucky twins keep coming out to play. I even tried installing a no IFs mod, but that didn't help either. I was too lazy to save all 13 sims to the CAS bin, and try to put them back that way.
So, I compromised of sorts. I started over, with Cherry (I didn't feel like starting over with Jelli, no matter how much I liked her! XD).
Jelli: *peeks around door* Does that, does that mean I'm free?
That's what it means Jelli. Jaycen, and ten of your kids are free as well. Only Cherry will be continuing on. *waves goodbye*
Jelli: *cheers* We're free! Jaycen pack the kids up, we're out of here!
Cherry as a toddler.
The no IF mod is still in place, and I am staying far, far, far away from the glitched out Midnight Sun world. I have set Cherry up on a beach lot in Avalon, and so far, it has played like a dream! Like the game is supposed to play!
Technically she is Gen 2, so I let her keep the default money the game gave her. With it, she gets a small house, way nicer than what Jelli started with. Unfortunately though, Cherry lost her inheritance, she is no longer rich!
Oh yeah, and she gets a couple of cats. I rarely have pets in the household, but I found a rainbow cat I've been wanting to use, and I figured this was as good as time as any!
Avalon is a beautiful world, and is very well made.
I've left all the buildings in, this is just one large abandoned island that Cherry lives on, lol *called stretching a few rules* It was just so pretty, and quaint, I couldn't bulldoze it!
Here's Cherry, and her two cats, Reflection (multi-colored cat I found online), and Refraction (blue cat I made). Cherry, say hello!
Cherry: Hello!
Reflection and Refraction: Meorrrw!
Jelli's last pregnancy went so badly, I didn't get to choose the traits. Cherry was born with socially awkward and perfectionist. In CAS I hit the random button and took the trait on top for her last trait, which ended up being loser. This should be interesting, poor girl. She has insane (required), dislikes children (required), Socially Awkward, Perfectionist, and Loser. See, she needed the cats! XD
Flec (Reflection, rainbow cat) is Genius, Hunter and Proud, it's the traits she came with. Frac (Refraction, blue cat), I hit the random button and he got Non-destructive, Neat, and Clueless.
Have I forgotten anything? Cherry? Cherry?! What are you doing?
Cherry: Huh? Me? Just looking for treasures!
Flec, sniffing of hands is acceptable, sniffing of butts is not! Cherry, you won't find any treasures in there, how about you do something productive, like go gather some fruit. Oh yeah, that's what I forgot to mention, your LTW, which is to have 20 perfect plants, or whatever the number is.
So, I'm rebooting this challenge, but it will still be the same as before. No one moves out unless they die, spouses can only be found in other worlds, and the heir has to have the same color of hair and eyes as Cherry.
Lol. Love it - Quick Jaycen! Let's get the heck out of dodge! :) Cherry is beautiful!