Last time there was (another) fire, and Kenny the burglar couldn't stay away.
In all the chaos though, poor Celery is mostly forgotten.
Ballet in flippers...graceful!
Cantaloupe: Quack like a duck. *giggles*
Durian: Quack! Quack! Quack!
Cantaloupe: *giggles* Walk like a duck now.
Durian: *waddles around and flaps arms*
Avocado: Hey, let me try! Okay, Durian...
They are endlessly amused with that thing, constantly hypnotizing themselves and each other, lol
So---technically this is against the rules. However, they did this on their own, and while I canceled the interaction---it didn't cancel in time.
They were calling the Police, because, well. *sigh* Here's Kenny again. I'm getting awfully tired of you Kenny.
Kenny: I just want to be a part of the family!
Sorry Kenny, wrong challenge for you, even if you weren't pudding faced, midnight sun rules are against you.
Though---if you are going to keep showing up--I'm going to make you a little more interesting to look at. *adds a little oomph to Kenny's features* Hahaha!
He got stuck in the sand, and reset, so the cop didn't show up.
Pomelo becomes an adult. His traits are insane, great kisser, genius, dislikes children, and klepto. He likes classical music, lobster, and the color green. His LTW is perfect mind, perfect body. If he's lucky, he might be able to do that one!
The lighting was all haywire, and I couldn't get a decent pic of him. Maybe later.
I've already forgotten which one this is---Bob, Bobette, or Bobi.
The cats are left on their own, some of them choose to hunt, like this one here. I don't think that's the correct way to hunt though...
While I was watching Bob/Bobi/Bobette take down the lizard...look who showed up.
Go away Kenny!!!!
Kenny: Don't mind me, I'm just going to sneak into the house here...
You never sneak Kenny. Everyone knows you are here. Now go away!!
Kenny: Ack! Attack cat! Call it off! *begs* Please!!
Good Kitty! Tear his face off!
Kenny: Wha?! *screams* No!
Go away Kenny!
Kenny: *runs off*
Good riddance!
What? A rather boring ISBI so far--no one is failing. Ah well, there's always next time. Maybe, lol
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Birthdays, Burglars and Fires! Oh my!
Last time...the teens were in a lot of trouble, and I found some birds. :P
This update starts off with a birthday! Jackfruit officially becomes an adult, he looks a lot like his grandfather Jaycen.
His traits are: overemotional, insane, daredevil, inappropriate, and evil. He likes root music, veggie rolls, and orange. His LTW is Living in the Lap of Luxury--household must be worth 159,000.
He promptly tries to set the house on fire.
Jackfruit: I was trying to cook!
The Beans love their food, but they are terrible cooks. *sigh*
Jackfruit: Something is wrong with this thing! It won't work!
Durian: You have to actually point it at the fire, you dummy, and not at yourself.
Jackfruit: Shut up! I don't see you trying to put the fire out!
Durian: I wasn't the one that started it! Dummy!
Reflection: Meow, meow, meow, meow (translated means, you're in my way)
I'm rather tired of the fires---so I'm not replacing the stove. They can live off of brain freeze jello and peanut butter sandwiches from now on.
Of course, Honey passes out a few times because of it.
The woohoo bunny showed up.
Morty and Cherry are still doing well, lol
But this? What the heck are you thinking spellchecker?
Really?! It's the middle of the day!
*le sigh*
They finally all get inside so that Kenny can wait for the cop, and the Beans can all freak out about the alarm and the burglar. Oh, and so that Honey can pass out, over and over and over and over and...well, you get the idea, lol
As always, Kenny is a polite burglar, and walks himself ALL the way back to the cop car. It's quite a trek, and takes him a while.
Still no real fails.
It occurs to me I haven't shown the house in all it's glory yet, ha!
The basement basement.
The basement (next level up)
Main floor.
Notice the oven that I refuse to replace, ha!
The heir(ess) get the bedrooms upstairs (well, and the babies go in the nursery). I lock the door to keep the others out, they have to sleep in the basement on the bunkbeds. hahaha!
Thanks for reading! =)
This update starts off with a birthday! Jackfruit officially becomes an adult, he looks a lot like his grandfather Jaycen.
His traits are: overemotional, insane, daredevil, inappropriate, and evil. He likes root music, veggie rolls, and orange. His LTW is Living in the Lap of Luxury--household must be worth 159,000.
He promptly tries to set the house on fire.
Jackfruit: I was trying to cook!
The Beans love their food, but they are terrible cooks. *sigh*
Jackfruit: Something is wrong with this thing! It won't work!
Durian: You have to actually point it at the fire, you dummy, and not at yourself.
Jackfruit: Shut up! I don't see you trying to put the fire out!
Durian: I wasn't the one that started it! Dummy!
Reflection: Meow, meow, meow, meow (translated means, you're in my way)
I'm rather tired of the fires---so I'm not replacing the stove. They can live off of brain freeze jello and peanut butter sandwiches from now on.
Of course, Honey passes out a few times because of it.
The woohoo bunny showed up.
Morty and Cherry are still doing well, lol
But this? What the heck are you thinking spellchecker?
Really?! It's the middle of the day!
*le sigh*
They finally all get inside so that Kenny can wait for the cop, and the Beans can all freak out about the alarm and the burglar. Oh, and so that Honey can pass out, over and over and over and over and...well, you get the idea, lol
As always, Kenny is a polite burglar, and walks himself ALL the way back to the cop car. It's quite a trek, and takes him a while.
Still no real fails.
It occurs to me I haven't shown the house in all it's glory yet, ha!
The basement basement.
The basement (next level up)
Main floor.
Notice the oven that I refuse to replace, ha!
The heir(ess) get the bedrooms upstairs (well, and the babies go in the nursery). I lock the door to keep the others out, they have to sleep in the basement on the bunkbeds. hahaha!
Thanks for reading! =)
Reclusive Cats
Last time the world's worst thief tried to steal some non-existent jewels from the Beans.
Durian is making points!
Like most things---teaching Celery to walk is left up to Cherry. My favorite trait is the family oriented one (which gives a skilling boost for teaching their kids), and most of my sims in other games have this trait. I rarely ever use the dislikes children trait---and I am amazed at how long it takes them to teach their kids anything!
Poor Cherry! She has no free time right now, between teaching Celery his skills (I don't use any skill mods), collecting rocks and other collectibles to sell for money, keeping up on her garden because she has to have 8 perfect plants for her LTW, plus I have her upgrading things.
She's a trooper though, and does it all without complaint.
Morty's artistic trait comes in handy, he's getting pretty good at these paintings now, and they are starting to sell for 400-500 dollars.
Reflection and Refraction (shown) and their babies (Bob, Bobi, and Bobette) are all elders now. I don't want them to die off yet, but I can't keep them around either, this house is about to get full of sims.
Pomelo and Apricot are starting to really annoy me---they keep trying to put a whoopie cushion on the chairs while Cherry is teaching Celery how to walk. So she stops what she is doing---to scold them and send them to a time out.
Pomelo: I thought it was funny.
Apricot: Aw, mom, you don't have a sense of humor!
Cherry: I've had enough of this nonsense! Both of you to the corners now!
As a side note--how unrealistic is this? I have never sent my teens to the corner---well---not when they were teens anyway, lol
Cherry interrupts Avocado (who was making food, cause the Beans love their food) to let him off the hook. I had no idea he was in trouble, lol
Pretty. <3
More of the reclusive cats, lol Bobette is the leaner cat, Bob is the chunkier one.
Avocado: Apricot! Would you move your a*s so I can watch my show?
Apricot: *yells* I HATE THIS TELEVISION!
Avocado: Fine, whatever, just move.
Pomelo and Jackfruit play (?) in the Ocean.
This is about the time I figured out it was Apricot breaking the television. So Cherry to the rescue, I had her upgrade it to unbreakable, while Celery plays with his toys.
Squirrel! Birds! lol No, I'm not easily distracted at all, why do you ask? :P
No motive fails in this chapter either. I'm keeping them super short, unlike most of my other stories, haha!
As a side note---how is this any better than what I wrote?
Thanks for reading! =)
Durian is making points!
Like most things---teaching Celery to walk is left up to Cherry. My favorite trait is the family oriented one (which gives a skilling boost for teaching their kids), and most of my sims in other games have this trait. I rarely ever use the dislikes children trait---and I am amazed at how long it takes them to teach their kids anything!
Poor Cherry! She has no free time right now, between teaching Celery his skills (I don't use any skill mods), collecting rocks and other collectibles to sell for money, keeping up on her garden because she has to have 8 perfect plants for her LTW, plus I have her upgrading things.
She's a trooper though, and does it all without complaint.
Morty's artistic trait comes in handy, he's getting pretty good at these paintings now, and they are starting to sell for 400-500 dollars.
Reflection and Refraction (shown) and their babies (Bob, Bobi, and Bobette) are all elders now. I don't want them to die off yet, but I can't keep them around either, this house is about to get full of sims.
Pomelo and Apricot are starting to really annoy me---they keep trying to put a whoopie cushion on the chairs while Cherry is teaching Celery how to walk. So she stops what she is doing---to scold them and send them to a time out.
Pomelo: I thought it was funny.
Apricot: Aw, mom, you don't have a sense of humor!
Cherry: I've had enough of this nonsense! Both of you to the corners now!
As a side note--how unrealistic is this? I have never sent my teens to the corner---well---not when they were teens anyway, lol
Cherry interrupts Avocado (who was making food, cause the Beans love their food) to let him off the hook. I had no idea he was in trouble, lol
Pretty. <3
More of the reclusive cats, lol Bobette is the leaner cat, Bob is the chunkier one.
Avocado: Apricot! Would you move your a*s so I can watch my show?
Apricot: *yells* I HATE THIS TELEVISION!
Avocado: Fine, whatever, just move.
Pomelo and Jackfruit play (?) in the Ocean.
This is about the time I figured out it was Apricot breaking the television. So Cherry to the rescue, I had her upgrade it to unbreakable, while Celery plays with his toys.
No motive fails in this chapter either. I'm keeping them super short, unlike most of my other stories, haha!
As a side note---how is this any better than what I wrote?
Thanks for reading! =)
Friday, February 27, 2015
Stop Thief!
Last time Cherry was bad (she got pregnant again), and Honey started a fire in the kitchen that nearly killed her brother.
I had almost forgotten that in this save, the family has some cats. I should have named this one Spaz (but didn't, it is either Bobi, Bobette, or Bob), as he/she (?) likes to rip everything to shreds.
The Beans are serious about their food. Someone is always making something...and the remains can be found littered all over the house.
Kenny Webb, world's worst burglar.
Kenny: Get out of my way kid! I'm trying to get inside and steal stuff.
Cantaloupe: Get out of my way creep! I'm trying to get outside so I can freak out that you're here to steal stuff.
Cantaloupe: *runs outside, freaks out, runs back inside, freaks out*
Burglar Kenny: Aaarrg! What's that horrible sound?
Pomelo: Oh no! He's going to steal my favorite chair!
Burglar Kenny: The whole house is on to me! I should run away...but I think I'll stand here and wait for the cop to show up instead!
Watch out! It's a stampede of Beans!!!
Honey: *screams* It's a burglar! Ack! *passes out*
Oh yeah, Honeydew has the coward trait. She proceeds to wake up, and pass out, a good half a dozen times. Does that count as a failures? lol
*checks watch* Where is that cop anyway? *plays jeopardy game show theme* There she is! Finally! Stop laughing at Pomelo freaking out and do your job!!!
Kenny fancies himself a jewel thief, but he picked the wrong house for that. The Beans are living on the edge of poverty!
Meanwhile, upstairs...
Honey: My nerves...they...they just can'*falls down dramatically*
And everyone forgets about the baby---
Celery: *howls* I stinky! I stinky!
The whole burglar scenario took 10 hours total. I kid you not. *grumbles* Since the Beans live so far away from the road (hello game--midnight sun challenge?) it takes forever for the burglar to get there, then it takes another forever for the cop to get there, some more forevers for them to line up to fight, a few more forevers for her to arrest him and for him to start the sloooooow walk back to the cop car, another hundred forevers for the cop to walk around and verify that everything is put back (into inventory) and about thousand forevers for her to walk back to her cop car.
I figure...I've been dead for centuries now waiting on them, lol
Nasty kitchen. All cleaning is up to the family though, Cherry doesn't have time for such menial tasks. She's racing against time to get her LTW fulfilled before Honey ages up to a young adult!
Other than Honey passing out because of her coward trait---there haven't been any fails. I've noticed in the past though, that most fails start to occur after the second generation has kids---while technically Cherry is the second generation---in this save she is the first generation.
Thanks for reading! =)
I had almost forgotten that in this save, the family has some cats. I should have named this one Spaz (but didn't, it is either Bobi, Bobette, or Bob), as he/she (?) likes to rip everything to shreds.
The Beans are serious about their food. Someone is always making something...and the remains can be found littered all over the house.
Kenny Webb, world's worst burglar.
Kenny: Get out of my way kid! I'm trying to get inside and steal stuff.
Cantaloupe: Get out of my way creep! I'm trying to get outside so I can freak out that you're here to steal stuff.
Cantaloupe: *runs outside, freaks out, runs back inside, freaks out*
Burglar Kenny: Aaarrg! What's that horrible sound?
Pomelo: Oh no! He's going to steal my favorite chair!
Burglar Kenny: The whole house is on to me! I should run away...but I think I'll stand here and wait for the cop to show up instead!
Watch out! It's a stampede of Beans!!!
Honey: *screams* It's a burglar! Ack! *passes out*
Oh yeah, Honeydew has the coward trait. She proceeds to wake up, and pass out, a good half a dozen times. Does that count as a failures? lol
*checks watch* Where is that cop anyway? *plays jeopardy game show theme* There she is! Finally! Stop laughing at Pomelo freaking out and do your job!!!
Kenny fancies himself a jewel thief, but he picked the wrong house for that. The Beans are living on the edge of poverty!
Meanwhile, upstairs...
Honey: My nerves...they...they just can'*falls down dramatically*
And everyone forgets about the baby---
Celery: *howls* I stinky! I stinky!
The whole burglar scenario took 10 hours total. I kid you not. *grumbles* Since the Beans live so far away from the road (hello game--midnight sun challenge?) it takes forever for the burglar to get there, then it takes another forever for the cop to get there, some more forevers for them to line up to fight, a few more forevers for her to arrest him and for him to start the sloooooow walk back to the cop car, another hundred forevers for the cop to walk around and verify that everything is put back (into inventory) and about thousand forevers for her to walk back to her cop car.
I figure...I've been dead for centuries now waiting on them, lol
Nasty kitchen. All cleaning is up to the family though, Cherry doesn't have time for such menial tasks. She's racing against time to get her LTW fulfilled before Honey ages up to a young adult!
Other than Honey passing out because of her coward trait---there haven't been any fails. I've noticed in the past though, that most fails start to occur after the second generation has kids---while technically Cherry is the second generation---in this save she is the first generation.
Thanks for reading! =)
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