Last time Cherry was bad (she got pregnant again), and Honey started a fire in the kitchen that nearly killed her brother.
I had almost forgotten that in this save, the family has some cats. I should have named this one Spaz (but didn't, it is either Bobi, Bobette, or Bob), as he/she (?) likes to rip everything to shreds.
The Beans are serious about their food. Someone is always making something...and the remains can be found littered all over the house.
Kenny Webb, world's worst burglar.
Kenny: Get out of my way kid! I'm trying to get inside and steal stuff.
Cantaloupe: Get out of my way creep! I'm trying to get outside so I can freak out that you're here to steal stuff.
Cantaloupe: *runs outside, freaks out, runs back inside, freaks out*
Burglar Kenny: Aaarrg! What's that horrible sound?
Pomelo: Oh no! He's going to steal my favorite chair!
Burglar Kenny: The whole house is on to me! I should run away...but I think I'll stand here and wait for the cop to show up instead!
Watch out! It's a stampede of Beans!!!
Honey: *screams* It's a burglar! Ack! *passes out*
Oh yeah, Honeydew has the coward trait. She proceeds to wake up, and pass out, a good half a dozen times. Does that count as a failures? lol
*checks watch* Where is that cop anyway? *plays jeopardy game show theme* There she is! Finally! Stop laughing at Pomelo freaking out and do your job!!!
Kenny fancies himself a jewel thief, but he picked the wrong house for that. The Beans are living on the edge of poverty!
Meanwhile, upstairs...
Honey: My nerves...they...they just can'*falls down dramatically*
And everyone forgets about the baby---
Celery: *howls* I stinky! I stinky!
The whole burglar scenario took 10 hours total. I kid you not. *grumbles* Since the Beans live so far away from the road (hello game--midnight sun challenge?) it takes forever for the burglar to get there, then it takes another forever for the cop to get there, some more forevers for them to line up to fight, a few more forevers for her to arrest him and for him to start the sloooooow walk back to the cop car, another hundred forevers for the cop to walk around and verify that everything is put back (into inventory) and about thousand forevers for her to walk back to her cop car.
I figure...I've been dead for centuries now waiting on them, lol
Nasty kitchen. All cleaning is up to the family though, Cherry doesn't have time for such menial tasks. She's racing against time to get her LTW fulfilled before Honey ages up to a young adult!
Other than Honey passing out because of her coward trait---there haven't been any fails. I've noticed in the past though, that most fails start to occur after the second generation has kids---while technically Cherry is the second generation---in this save she is the first generation.
Thanks for reading! =)
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