Last time...the teens were in a lot of trouble, and I found some birds. :P
This update starts off with a birthday! Jackfruit officially becomes an adult, he looks a lot like his grandfather Jaycen.
His traits are: overemotional, insane, daredevil, inappropriate, and evil. He likes root music, veggie rolls, and orange. His LTW is Living in the Lap of Luxury--household must be worth 159,000.
He promptly tries to set the house on fire.
Jackfruit: I was trying to cook!
The Beans love their food, but they are terrible cooks. *sigh*
Jackfruit: Something is wrong with this thing! It won't work!
Durian: You have to actually point it at the fire, you dummy, and not at yourself.
Jackfruit: Shut up! I don't see you trying to put the fire out!
Durian: I wasn't the one that started it! Dummy!
Reflection: Meow, meow, meow, meow (translated means, you're in my way)
I'm rather tired of the fires---so I'm not replacing the stove. They can live off of brain freeze jello and peanut butter sandwiches from now on.
Of course, Honey passes out a few times because of it.
The woohoo bunny showed up.
Morty and Cherry are still doing well, lol
But this? What the heck are you thinking spellchecker?
Really?! It's the middle of the day!
*le sigh*
They finally all get inside so that Kenny can wait for the cop, and the Beans can all freak out about the alarm and the burglar. Oh, and so that Honey can pass out, over and over and over and over and...well, you get the idea, lol
As always, Kenny is a polite burglar, and walks himself ALL the way back to the cop car. It's quite a trek, and takes him a while.
Still no real fails.
It occurs to me I haven't shown the house in all it's glory yet, ha!
The basement basement.
The basement (next level up)
Main floor.
Notice the oven that I refuse to replace, ha!
The heir(ess) get the bedrooms upstairs (well, and the babies go in the nursery). I lock the door to keep the others out, they have to sleep in the basement on the bunkbeds. hahaha!
Thanks for reading! =)
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