Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Jelli says Goodbye; Cherry says Hello

  Last time there were a ton of glitches going on, yet Jelli managed to finally have an heir.  Baby #11, Cherry had the same hair color and eye color as her mother.

  I had moved them yet again, to an empty Sunset Valley, in a last attempt to save Jelli and family.  Unfortunately the problem followed, I'm pretty sure it's still the IFs connected to the kids (as per ErrorTrap scripterror logs).  They are TAd (I can't find them anywhere, but the crazy game keeps thinking they are there!), but their Chucky twins keep coming out to play.  I even tried installing a no IFs mod, but that didn't help either.  I was too lazy to save all 13 sims to the CAS bin, and try to put them back that way.

  So, I compromised of sorts.  I started over, with Cherry (I didn't feel like starting over with Jelli, no matter how much I liked her! XD).  

  Jelli: *peeks around door*  Does that, does that mean I'm free?


  That's what it means Jelli.  Jaycen, and ten of your kids are free as well.  Only Cherry will be continuing on.  *waves goodbye*

  Jelli: *cheers*  We're free!  Jaycen pack the kids up, we're out of here! 

  Cherry as a toddler.


  The no IF mod is still in place, and I am staying far, far, far away from the glitched out Midnight Sun world. I have set Cherry up on a beach lot in Avalon, and so far, it has played like a dream!  Like the game is supposed to play!

  Technically she is Gen 2, so I let her keep the default money the game gave her.  With it, she gets a small house, way nicer than what Jelli started with.  Unfortunately though, Cherry lost her inheritance, she is no longer rich!


   Oh yeah, and she gets a couple of cats.  I rarely have pets in the household, but I found a rainbow cat I've been wanting to use, and I figured this was as good as time as any!

  Avalon is a beautiful world, and is very well made.  


 I've left all the buildings in, this is just one large abandoned island that Cherry lives on, lol  *called stretching a few rules*  It was just so pretty, and quaint, I couldn't bulldoze it!


  Here's Cherry, and her two cats, Reflection (multi-colored cat I found online), and Refraction (blue cat I made).  Cherry, say hello!

Cherry: Hello!

Reflection and Refraction: Meorrrw!


   Jelli's last pregnancy went so badly, I didn't get to choose the traits.  Cherry was born with socially awkward and perfectionist.  In CAS I hit the random button and took the trait on top for her last trait, which ended up being loser.  This should be interesting, poor girl.  She has insane (required), dislikes children (required), Socially Awkward, Perfectionist, and Loser.  See, she needed the cats! XD

  Flec (Reflection, rainbow cat) is Genius, Hunter and Proud, it's the traits she came with. Frac (Refraction, blue cat), I hit the random button and he got Non-destructive, Neat, and Clueless. 

  Have I forgotten anything?  Cherry?  Cherry?!  What are you doing?

 Cherry: Huh?  Me?  Just looking for treasures!


  Flec, sniffing of hands is acceptable, sniffing of butts is not!  Cherry, you won't find any treasures in there, how about you do something productive, like go gather some fruit.  Oh yeah, that's what I forgot to mention, your LTW, which is to have 20 perfect plants, or whatever the number is.



  So, I'm rebooting this challenge, but it will still be the same as before.  No one moves out unless they die, spouses can only be found in other worlds, and the heir has to have the same color of hair and eyes as Cherry.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Jelli Dislikes Children---A LOT!

Last time Jelli had six kids, and not one of them was heir material!

Jelli: It's not fair I tell you!  I'm tired of being pregnant all the time!

Suck it up Jelli, you have to keep going until you have an heir!  

  I moved them off the water, hoping that would alleviate some of the glitches I was having with the game, it did help with the in game camera but that is all.  

  Kiwi became a teen, at least, I think that is Kiwi, there are too many kids in the house. XD


 Jelli has baby #7, a boy, named Huckleberry.


   Jelli: Is it an heir?

  Nope, sorry Jelli.  I do believe it's time for drastic measures!

  Jelli: *worriedly*  What kind of drastic measures?

  Oh nothing.  *gives Jelli fertility treatment reward*  Let's see if that helps!  Papaya has a birthday---


 Poor Papaya, this is a terrible picture, and it's the only one I took! 
Jelli: I really dislike children.  I dislike babies.  I dislike being pregnant!  I hate this!  Strike me down and put me out of my misery!!

Jelli has a bad attitude!  No can do on the striking down Jelli, you have to have an heir first!


Jelli: *moans*  But I'm so sick this time around!  What did you do to me?


 Watermelon becomes a teen.


Watermelon: Why are you so happy?

Banana: A girl my age! *claps*  I'm so excited!

Watermelon: We need to break this contract!  Do you realize we'll never be allowed to get married or have kids?

Banana: Why not?

Watermelon: It's quite obvious sister dear, we are not the heirs, and this house is too full!

  Quite right.  You guys get to be single forever.  Sorry.

Not the heir (Huckleberry) becomes a toddler.  


Jelli goes into labor, again!  Baby #8, boy, Coconut, not an heir.


Jelli: *yells*  Hey!  There's more than one in there! 

  Baby#9, boy, Blackberry, *sighs*, not an heir.

Jelli: *goes loopy*  It's not an heir either?!  Waaahahaha!  *chants crazily*  Not an heir, not an heir!

Jelli!  Stop swinging the baby about!  Put him in the crib!

Jelli: I really dislike children!

Baby in crib---now!

Jelli: *puts Blackberry in crib, clutches stomach*  Aaargh!  There's another baby! *has 3rd baby*  It's hideous!  It's a monster!  Take it away?  Wait, is it an heir?

Baby #10, girl, Pear.  *sobs*  Not an heir either!  Those are just stupid game glitches Jelli, Pear is okay.

Jelli: Whew!  I thought I gave birth to a freak there for a moment!

  Pear has the same outfit as her brother, but, since she's not an heiress, I don't care. XD  The game is horridly glitchy at this point, with really weird things going on.  I track it down to IF dolls, and I delete the doll, and TA the service/roll whatever it's called sim associated with the doll.  Except they come back---like horrid Chucky dolls!  I see their bobbing heads coming up the walkway, and it has the name of one of the IFs I TA'd.  Then my game crashes.  Repeatedly.  I am so irked by this, especially when the last baby (Jelli had quads) is:

  Girl, Cherry, IS THE HEIRESS!  All it took was 11 kids, but Jelli is officially done with having children!

  Jelli: *cries with joy*

  Jaycen: Wait?  *worries* Does this mean no more woohoo?

Safe woohoo from here on out!

  Jaycen and Jelli: Woohoo!!!

Here is Cherry---


  Sorry, bad picture, but the game crashed right after I took this one.  I was just happy I managed to save the game after Jelli had the quads, so I didn't lose my heiress!


  So far, this save has felt like running a marathon!!  With the glitches/crashing, trying to get the kids aged up well (Jelli teaches them all the toddler skills), and Jelli being constantly pregnant, it has been a challenge!  After sending Jelli on a well deserved vacation, I made one last attempt to save this game.  I saved the whole family into the library bin, emptied out Sunset Valley, built a house on the beach,  and placed them in it.  The results of that, will be later!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Jelli is Full of Trouble

  Last time Jelli had her first Bean sprout, a little girl named Banana, who, unfortunately, was not heir material.  So Jelli had to try for another baby, and that is where things started to go wrong.  The island they were docked at was filled with glitches, so I moved them to another island.  The glitches followed there.  So I moved them again, and again...

  Jelli:  You are so childish!  All you do is play with toys all day, and leave me to do all the work!  And I'm pregnant!  I wish you would just grow up!

  Jaycen: *kicks at floor*


  Jelli:  Well, what do you have to say for yourself?

  Jaycen:  I think you're so sexy, especially when you're pregnant! *plants a kiss on Jelli*


  Jelli:  Oh, you sweet talker you.  *kisses Jaycen back*


*sigh*  Rinse and repeat, over and over.  Don't you two ever get tired of this cycle? 

  Jaycen: *heads for the bed*  Nope.

  Jelli: *follows Jaycen*  Nope.

  You two are impossible!

  Jelli:  Owwww!  I remember now, this part hurts!  Owwwww!

  Welcome baby #2, a boy, named Grape. I had this hope that each baby was the heir, so I kept giving them the insane, dislikes children traits. XD   *peeks in CAS*  Botheration, he's not heir material either. 


Jelli: *cringes*  Does that mean?

  Afraid so!

Jaycen: And then the robot came with his laser eyes and he shot Emmy.

Banana: *hugs doll tightly*  No Daddy!  NO!  Wobot not soot Emmy!

  I wish the robot could shoot Emmy---this doll is the source of evil glitches!


Jaycen:  You're in my way, would you hurry up?  I'm trying to put Grape in that crib right behind you!

  Jelli:  You jerk!  I'm in the middle of giving birth to your son!  Put Grape in the other crib, the one in the hallway?  I swear!  You are such a child! 

  Jelli has baby#3, a boy, named Kiwi, his traits are insane and dislikes children.  This will be a fun household!  *peeks in CAS*  Darn it!  Yet another heir fail! 

  Jelli: You've got to be kidding me!?

  Sorry Jelli---you'll have to have another one!


Banana ages up in the dirty toddler potty---lovely.  Due to Jelli's stellar parenting skills, Banana is given a positive trait.  She gains Genius.

Grape has a birthday---he doesn't look very Grape like!


  Kiwi ages up.


Darn it Jaycen!  Your genes are too potent!  All the kids keep getting too much of you, and not enough of Jelli!

  Jaycen: *preens* 

  That was not a compliment!

 Jacyen: Oh.

Baby #4 doesn't garner the same reaction, Jaycen is concerned with the water mess Jelli made on the floor when her water broke, and Banana thinks the all in one toilet needs to be cleaned.


Jelli's labor is interrupted by Grape's birthday.  Grape gains the hydrophobic trait, and he lives on a houseboat!  Ha!

  Jelli: Aaargh!  I'm in labor here, doesn't anyone care???

  Jelli has another girl, Watermelon, who has, you guessed it, the insane and dislikes children traits.  She's also not the heir.

  Jelli: *cries*

Kiwi ages up, I'm so disgruntled with the game, I don't even bother with the makeovers. XD  He gets the Heavy Sleeper trait.


Watermelon.  I'm really beginning to hate the color of Jaycen's hair!

  Jaycen: Hey!


Banana starts her awkward teen years.  She's the spitting image of her father, darn her eyes anyway!  She was so close!  Her traits are insane, dislikes children, clumsy, and  neat.  


Baby #5, boy, Papaya, insane, dislikes children.


  *cries with Jelli*  Not the heir either.

  Jaycen: Boo!

  Banana: *jumps and screams*  Dad!  That's not funny!

  I agree Jaycen, you could have killed your oldest child, scaring her like that in front of that big hole!


Grape's birthday.  He becomes a klepto.  I think he needs to steal some better clothes, because I can't be bothered to fix them.


Watermelon becomes a genius child.

Watermelon: That's right, between Banana and I, we could find a way to break the contract!

  Um yeah, good luck with that!


I'm so disgruntled, I didn't even get pics of Jelli giving birth to Mango, who has the insane and dislikes children traits, cause hope springs eternal! XD  I didn't even get a birthday age up pic, but look!  He has Jelli's eyes and Jaycen's hair color.  *hates Jaycen's hair color*

  Jaycen: Hey!


  Mango is the cutest out of the bunch so far, pity that he isn't the heir.  Oh well, back to the drawing board.

  Jelli: *sobs*  More!? 

  Sadly, yes.  Six kids and counting, not a single heir yet. Pffft.


  Skipping through a lot of the gameplay, that's all boring anyway.  Jelli is constantly teaching a toddler something.  Now that there are teens, one would think that they would be helpful, but they are not.  I am way more efficient at baby/toddler needs than silly sims.  All they do is get in the way!

  Jelli seriously insults Jaycen all the time, and every single time after she insults him, he goes for a heat of the moment kiss.  I always expect Jelli to tell him off, she's angry enough with him, but she never does, lol  Jaycen likes to play with the kids, and sometimes will even feed them.  Most times he can be found playing with toys on the floor, and he makes a huge mess by pulling ALL of the toys out of the toy box.   If this wasn't an ISBI, I would so make him clean them up!

  So far---no fails, so that's good!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jelli has a Bean sprout

Last time Jelli went to Lucky Palms and found herself a husband. 

  Back home once again...

Jaycen:  Hey?@!  I've been lied to!  You call this a private pleasure island?!

Jelli: *sniffs*  It's a private, it's an island, and I take great pleasure in knowing I am no longer alone.  What more do you want?  Now hush, I have to read that fine print on a certain contract.  Do I really have to keep having kids until I have a mini-me?

 Jaycen: Contract?  Keep having kids?  Mini-you???  What's going on around here?

  Jelli, that's what the contract states, yes.  You have to have a child with your hair color and eye color, and then you don't have to have any more kids.

Jaycen: *horrified*  You call that a house?!  At least in Lucky Palms I lived in a mansion!

Oh yeah---we have lots of money now.  I should do something about the living conditions!

  *enters build mode*

  Well, it ain't the Hilton, but it's a lot better than what you guys had before.  You have beds now!

Jelli: *dreamily*  I have a bed now!

A bed, and all kinds of other stuff. 


Jaycen: Wow, the color is...

Jelli: Yes, isn't it wonderful?

Jaycen: It's bright!

For as terrible as I am at building houseboats, this one didn't turn out too badly.  Let's go on a little tour of it, shall we?  The top has a telescope, and the ITF rugs, in case they ever get plants and want to grow a garden.


The next level down has 2 bedrooms with bunkbeds, and 1 all in one bathroom.  Later on I added a chess set to this floor.

 The next level is the nursery and the main bedroom, which only means it has the double bed, lol  And another all in one bathroom, I love those things!


The main floor has a kitchen, with my favorite item ever...the food synthesizer.  It will be the main reason why my sims won't starve to death!  I just have to deal with them constantly making food instead!

  There is also a tv/couch in one corner, and table/chairs in another, with the all important all in one bathroom!


  And lastly, the basement---cause all houseboats have basements right? XD  Not much down here at the moment, though eventually I put some skilling items down here.


  And now back to Jelli and Jaycen--or JJ, lol :P

  Jaycen, what are you doing?

  Jaycen: Jelli told me all about the voice, I wasn't hearing things after all!  And I'm trying out these toys to make sure they are safe, I wouldn't want any progeny to choke on one and die!



Jelli: *squeals*  Jaycen!

Jaycen: *waggles eyebrows*  We're still newlyweds...hint hint.

  *rolls eyes*  

Baby confirmation!

Jaycen: What?!  Hey!  I thought I'd have more time before the kids start coming!

  Sorry Jaycen, Jelli is getting older, and we need an heir!

Jelli: Hey!  I'm not that old yet!

  You're a lot older than most of my sims were when they started having kids!


  Got to work on Jelli's LTW, Perfect Mind, Perfect Body.

  Jelli: *preens*  I'm already there.

  Um, yeah.  Anyway...


*Fast Forward*

Jelli: *screams*  Yeooouch!  No one told me this would hurt!

  Jelli, it'll hurt. 

Jelli: *pants* Not funny!  *screeches*  Get this thing out of me!!

  And it's a girl!  For some reason, my game likes to give the babies the little sprout hairdo, I have decided that works for the Bean family.  They have Bean sprouts!  Keeping with the theme, I am trying to name the kids (at least for this gen) after fruits/plants.

  Welcome Banana Bean!  Despite the halo/aura that surrounds her, she fails the genetics test.  She has Jelli's hair color, but Jaycen's eye color.  Doh!  So close!  The urge to cheat is strong, lol :P  But I overcome it, and leave Banana as she is.


Jelli: You mean I have to have another one?!

  Fraid so.

  Baby #2 is on the way...


Banana as a toddler.  She's a very interesting looking sim, lol



  Longer chapter than usual---just because I put a mini tour of their houseboat in this chapter.  Surprisingly, the routing is not bad, I wasn't sure what to expect with the ladders!