Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cherry has an heir (finally!)

  Last time Cherry had four children, none of which were heir material, but the last one was the girl she had been wanting from the beginning.

  Sorry Cherry, there's no escaping your fate!

Cherry: *gazes longingly*  I could swim it.

Even if you could, the Kraken would get you, he guards the ocean for me.

Cherry: What's a kraken?

Just a gigantic Sea Monster that eats sims.

Cherry: Oh.

  Derp!  Bad age up picture.  This poor kid has issues!


And first fail---someone let the baby pass out on the floor.  

It's about here I realize my screenshots folder is in shambles.  I had gone through and deleted a bunch of pics, not realizing my game would decide to fill in the blanks with newer pics instead.  So all my newer pics are mixed in with older pics, across multiple saves---what mess---let's see what I can untangle from it!!

  Jackfruit becomes a teen.  His traits so far are insane, inappropriate, daredevil, and evil.


He proves his evil intentions right away, by stealing a lollipop from his younger sibling Avocado.  Who some where at some point, had a birthday, lol

  Avocado: *cries*

  Jack: Ummm, yummm.  This is the best lollipop I've ever had!


Avocado and Pomelo look very similar, but Pomelo is older, and...cuter, despite his derpier birthday picture.

   Morty: That is unacceptable behavior from a son of mine!  I'm going to teach him a lesson!  *yells*  Jack!  Downstairs.  Now.

  Jack: *grumbles*  Yes Dad.  What?!  What did I do?

  Morty: Look right here.

  Jack: Right there?  At that swirly thing?

  Morty: Yep, right there.

  Jack: This is stupid, why should I...ooooh.  Look at all the spinnies!  *is dazzled*

  Morty:Now act like a duck, while I take blackmail pictures.  If you ever steal from a baby again I will post them on the internet for the whole world to see!

  Jack: *flaps arms*  Quack!  Quack!  Quack!

  Morty: *laughs*


Cherry: *yells*  Morty!  What are you guys doing down there?

Morty: Nothing, just playing a game of duck, duck, Jack!  (badoom boom!  haha!  Bad pun, I know! haha!)

Cherry: Aren't you guys a little old for that game?

Morty: No, we changed up the rules a bit for older sims.

Cherry: Oh, okay.  Carry on!

Ah, Morty, not so sure about your methods, but they seem to have worked!

Morty: But of course!

Notice the lack of income---they still don't have paint on all of the walls!  Cherry---what do you think you are doing?

Cherry: Cooking waffles.

Yeah, the kitchen is downstairs.

Cherry: *wanders aimlessly*  I'll find it eventually!

No idea why she decided to stroll around the whole house with the waffle pan, before finally finding her way back to the kitchen to cook said waffles.  *shakes head*  Sims!

  There's no more appropriate place for a Bean to be born in than a garden!  Baby number 5 is a boy, Durian.   He's a snob, and a green thumb, go figure! lol :P


  Still not an heir though.  *sigh*  Here comes baby #6!  Another girl, named Apricot.  She's an insane genius.  


Still not an heiress.  *sigh*  Birthdays galore!

  Durian becomes a toddler.  See, he was so close!  He had the wrong color of eyes though, not that you can see that in this picture of him. XD


Avocado becomes a child.


Pomelo becomes a teen.  I think he turned out pretty cute.  Let's see, his traits so far are insane, dislikes children, and klepto.  Hey---I think he's missing a trait.  Maybe he'll get it when he becomes an adult.  I'm not even sure why he's missing one!


  *sigh*  I always forget to wait a few seconds before taking their picture---so they always look short in their bday pics, lol  

  Cantaloupe becomes a teen.  Another close one, but no dice!


Her traits so far: insane, virtuoso, ambitious, mean spirited  Yeah, yeah, some how she skipped her whole childhood in pictures.  It's called middle child syndrome!  Haha!

  Apricot becomes a toddler.


Morty: So, this is the one?

Yep, that's the one.

Morty: You don't even have a pic of Cherry giving birth to her!

I do...somewhere.  I think.  I'm pretty sure.  *shrugs*  Oh well, you've seen one sim's birth, you've seen them all.  The important thing is, we finally have an heiress! *throws confetti*  Yay!


  Welcome Honeydew!  Her traits are insane, and coward.  Oh dear, she's going to be afraid of everything and pass out over nothing.  *sighs again*  Oh well, at least we have an heiress!!!

  I'm aware she's wearing the same clothes as Apricot was, I was just too lazy to take her into CAS and change it, especially when they are not babies for very long at all.  It seemed like a waste of my efforts, lol


So it only took Cherry 7 kids, where it took her mother 11, lol  Now that I have an heiress, it's time to really get working on Cherry's LTW, and save money for the future trip to find Honey a spouse,  I'm not sure which world we'll look in yet...but I have some time!

  Thanks for reading! =)

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